Discover Grain Fed Lamb
Free Ranged Lamb
Nothing says spring at Townsend quite like watching the newborn lambs bouncing on the pasture under the watchful care of their mothers and our sheep guarding pigs
At Townsend we wanted to raise lamb that was suited to the Manitoba weather, was able to eat the local grasses on the estate, and would require minimal input on the farm. Lambs that graze on the wild meadows here produce a quality meat that has a flavour, colour and texture that is like no other. These unique characteristics are created by the multitude of wild grasses and herbs that are only found growing on natural grasses. Grasses like puccinellia, and flowers like blue bells and black eyed susans. Not only is the lamb simply the best there is, the act of grazing on our meadows is vitally important to the conservation of a unique eco system. The season starts in early July – with the young spring lambs – the meat has a very pale colour and an incredible tenderness. Heading on through high summer and into early autumn the summer grazing adds more and more flavour to the meat as it develops and darkens in colour.
Sophia loves her lambs
Our lamb producer, Sophia, is producing our lamb using traditional methods. Lambs are not given any kind of pellet ration or medication (unless absolutely necessary). All lambs are guaranteed to be free of growth hormones or antibiotics. Lambs are kept outdoors after their first three weeks until the time of processing.
At Townsend our sheep are grazed within a 1 mile radius of the farm and every effort is made to feed them (when necessary) on crops grown locally, ensuring our commitment to traceability of our animals and their food chain.
Every animal reared on the farm is done so as traditionally and naturally as possible with every care taken to ensure that they all live a happy and stress-free life. As a result, the quality of the meat speaks for itself.
The lamb is reared on open pastures, with shelter for harsh weather, on a natural forage diet, supplemented with hay or root crops when grass is in short supply The meat is carefully matured on the bone to further enhance the tenderness and flavour, then hand-cut by skilled butchers, using traditional butchery methods.
Sophia Nesom
Sophia likes working with the sheep on the farm. She is currently 15 and thinking about becoming a veterinary doctor when she gets out of school. She is currently in grade nine and attending school at the College Lorette. She is in the French immersion program and doing very well. Sophia has a natural ability to work with all the animals on the farm and does all the tasks requiring a tender touch.