Home Farm


In 2011 our family decided to convert the Townsend Home Farm to a completely organic system to demonstrate the environmental and commercial benefits.

Just two years later Home Farm is not only successful at producing superb meats raised naturally, raised by the children, but is a beacon for the benefits of a sustainable form of agriculture. Some of the features of Home Farm include:

Townsend’s First Product
The first product in our range was the free range, hormone and antibiotic free chicken. Today we still produce some of the best free ranged chicken available.

Rare Breeds
Our family is working to help preserve rare breeds which can grow with less impact to the environment and require no hormones or a regimen of antibiotics to lead a happy life on our farm. All our animals are raised on pasture which produces lean flavourful meat. Animals such as Large Black Pigs, Tamworth, and Belted Galloway beef are featured on the farm

Visits, literature, and workshops are used to promote the links between our food and our health and the environment