Meat Orders


At Townsend we fully embrace and support traceability in the food we eat – this is just one reason why we bring you the best cuts of meat for miles. Enjoying great working relationships with local producers also allows us some degree of control over how the animals are processed, which makes a huge difference to the appearance, texture and beautiful flavour of our meat. At Townsend we think people should have a relationship with the farms their food comes from and the people who prepare their food.

The Beef is specially reared for us by our beef manager, Annastasia. Annastasia has been buying cattle genetics from Ladywell Galloway since the farm opened, and as sales increased she added Stewart Naults excellent stock to the list. Our herd is predominately registered purebreds from Belted Galloway cows and a Red or Black Galloway bull; the bulls giving excellent conformation and the cows giving the fat cover and marbling needed for tasty and succulent beef. Townsend always dry ages beef for at least 21 days before making it available for sale.

We use cross Horned Dorset Lambs, sourced from Coyote Acres Ranch in Alberta and Polled Dorsets from Willow Dale farm just outside of Steinbach. We dry age all our lamb on the bone for 7 days.

Outdoor Reared Pork
Rueben supplies the Kitchen throughout the whole year. His outdoor reared pigs are a Large Black/Tamworth cross specifically bred for outdoor rearing. They have a good fat cover and develop thicker skin due to the weather, which makes for juicy meat and delicious crackling.We’re confident that after eating tasty, outdoor reared pork, you’ll forever avoid intensively reared varieties.

Our free ranged poultry comes from Hyrum, who produces Freedom Food barn-reared chickens, turkeys and game. The poultry are slow maturing birds taken to their full weight in a natural environment. They come at a premium, but we feel you can really tell the difference.