Farm News


Monthly Archives: April 2014

How Much of a Good Thing

One question that is constantly asked of our farm managers is “how much of a certain product should we order”? The question is a tricky one because of the diversity of peoples and families eating styles. Whole families or just one member may not like certain products, others may eat certain types of foods due to healthier lifestyle choices, cook times, ease of preparation, storage facilities, and one of the most important factors is how we ate when we were children. The world health organization lists Canadians as high meat eaters (between 200 – 220 lbs. / year / person). Out of 200 lbs. the average person eats 70 lbs. of poultry, 110 lbs. of red meat, and 15 lbs. of fish per year.

This would mean that a family of four, which included two teenagers, could expect to eat 280 lbs. of free ranged chicken in a year. This hypothetical family could eat fryers, which are typically 5 lbs. each, and they would need 56 to feed the family for a whole year. This family could 28 purchase capons, which average at 10 lbs. each to feed the family. The typical goose weighs in at 8 lbs. and the average duck is 4 lbs. This family could order 25 fryers 8 roasters 5 capons 5 ducks and 2 turkeys and 2 geese to get the required 280 lbs. In addition some meats such as turkey are traditionally eaten during holidays.

The same family of four could be expected to eat 450 lbs. of red meat in the same time period. Typical red meat consumption would normally consist of; grass fed beef, heritage pork, veal, and organic lamb and for some people goat or venison. A family of four may consider an order of ½ beef 1 pig and 1 lamb, which would generate approximately 450 lbs. of red meat. However most families may want extra bacon, ham, or sausages to supplement and diversify their diets.

The following chart is a rough guideline of the amount of meat families could expect to eat in one year

Type Poultry Red Meat
# People Fryers Roasters Capons Ducks Geese Pork Beef Veal Lamb
2 15 5 2 2 ½ ¼ ½ ½
4 25 8 5 5 2 1 ½ ½ ½
6 30 20 10 5 2 1 1 ½ ½
8 50 15 6 1 1 ½ 2
10 20 50 15 6 1 1 1 2






This chart is a rough estimate of the quantities of meat required based on the number of people in the family.

Farm Yard News

Farm Yard News

As the great philosopher Kermit the Frog once said “it’s hard being green”, this winter has been so cold for so long that the passive methods we normally employ for sustainable and green farming proved somewhat ineffectual. The month of March was another record breaking cold month and the weather has taken its toll on the younger animals living outdoors.  We only have one small heated barn designed to be the chicken coop which was connected to the farm’s heating system. In January and February we were flooded with a wave of new births (piglets and lambs) and so we had 9 moms, their 20 offspring, of two very different species sharing a 600 sq. ft. barn. Our lamb manager, Sophia, and Dawn have had a steep learning curve keeping baby lambs alive and well during this harsh winter and one of the little guys is still struggling but is going to make it due to their combined care. It looks like the winter is finally through although I am sure there will be at least one or two more nasty surprises. We are hoping to get our old barn renovated this year and we have received quotes and plans to do so. The electrical feed and the heating have already been plumbed in and the extra heated space would be a welcome relief for next year. On the bright side we are getting closer to bringing our free ranged chickens to the farm,

the grass will soon be up and our grass fed cattle will be roaming the pasture.

Pig News!!
We has some of our large black pigs’ baby piglets die this month for unknown reasons

On the Poultry Front
The equipment is ready and the order has been placed.

Sheep’s StoriesDSC05020

The sheep were sheared this month which was a first at Townsend.

Best of the Beef
The weather is starting to warm and the cows are becoming more active.